Two people on boardwalk

What you can do to improve accessibility

Everyone has a role to play in creating communities, workplaces and services that enable everyone to participate fully in society without barriers

Learn more below about disability, accessibility and accessibility initiatives taking place across the province of Nova Scotia. Connect directly with these individuals, organizations and others to find out how you can get involved. 

Provide your First Voice Accessibility Expert advice!

Share your lived experience with accessibility in Nova Scotia!

The work being done today will shape the future of access for our province, and we are inviting you to join us. 

The Accessibility Directorate is creating a roster of Nova Scotians with disabilities who are interested in reviewing and providing input on future projects - such as resources, workshops, and other projects about accessibility or intended for the public. You can become involved now!

Depending on the number of projects that need to be reviewed each year, you may be invited to review many, a few, or no projects. You can say no to the invitation, and this will not affect your eligibility to be invited to provide input on future projects.

You will be offered honoraria for each project you review and provide input.  The honoraria amount will be included in the invitation to review and provide input.  

Your individual accessibility needs will be met for any projects you are invited to review. By providing input and sharing your lived experience with accessibility in Nova Scotia, you help us to build a stronger province for everyone.

The principle of “nothing about us without us” is a core value in the Accessibility Directorate’s work. If you are First Voice, belong to an equity group, or have other experience with accessibility, help us make Nova Scotia accessible by 2030! 

Sign up now! You may also contact us by email at if you have any questions.

ASL Video with Captioning and Audio 

Nova Scotians with disabilities

Here are some individuals across the province that are already raising awareness and creating a movement for change.

Marie Webb | Artist

Marie Webb, an artist with Down syndrome, working on a drawing

Organizations representing people with disabilities

There are many local, provincial and national organizations focused on creating a more accessible future in our communities. Many of these organizations are looking for volunteers to support their efforts. Below are some of the many organizations involved in accessibility. You can find more organizations supporting accessibility initiatives by checking in your community or contacting 211.

An elderly light-skinned man concentrates while painting a pink heart on a wooden box. He is wearing glasses and wrist brace and the handles of a walker are visible behind him.

Government, municipalities and other public officials

Legislators and other public officials can propose and pass laws and policies that raise awareness about accessibility issues and ensure equitable access for people with disabilities. Municipalities, universities, Nova Scotia Community College, regional libraries and other public sector bodies are developing accessibility plans and establishing accessibility advisory committees. Some may be looking for members of their accessibility committees or for input on their accessibility initiatives. Contact them directly to learn more. Below are some examples of public sector bodies with accessibility work underway.

Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library

Kentville Inclusion and Access Advisory Committee

8209 - A young, light-skinned librarian helps an older person who has closed eyes with a device they are holding that has headphones attached. There is a pile of playaway audio book cases in front of them.
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